sodick alc800g

PES_Aug17_NP_EMO_Sodi-Tech-1-2-1024x683 (1).jpg

technical specification

X/Y/Z axis travel:
U/V axis travel:
Worktable dimensions (W x D):
Worktank dimensions (W x D x H):
Worktank liquid level, Min. to Max:
Worktank capacity: 
Max. workpiece weight:
Max. workpiece dimensions:
Distance from floor to table top:
Machine size (W x D x H):
Machine installation dimenesions: 
Machine weight: 
Air pressure:
Air consumption:
Electricity consumption:
Accuracy, precision:
Controlled axis:
Taper angle:
Wire diameter:
Wire tension
Wire speed:
EDM method:
Max wire weight:

Dielectric tank:
External dimensions (W x D x H):
Weight, empty (main tank):
Filtration method:

800 / 600 / 500 mm (Z 800mm option)
200 / 200 mm
1500 x 1040 mm
3000 kg
1250 x 1020 x 500 mm
995 mm
3395 x 3054 x 2780 mm
4675 x 5050
6000 kg
6,5 Bar
13 kW, 3-fas, 400 volt
0,0001 mm
+/- 25°
ø 0.1 - ø 0.3 mm
3 - 23 N
Max 420 mm/sec
20 kg

1505 x 3060 mm
800 kg
1500 liter
4 replaceable paper filter
Harz, barrel of 18 l




10 years warranty on positioning accuracy
Linear motor (X, Y, U, X axis)
Absolute linear scales (X, Y, U, X axis)
Sodick motion controller
Ceramic Work-zone
Remote controller
3-sided rise and fall work tank
Quadruple filtration system
Improved ease of operation
Advanced wire tension control
SPW generator
Digital PIKA W plus for super surface finish
DSF (Dynamic shape first)
Automatic water level control
Fixed jet AWT (Automatic wire threader)
Wire end remover
Dielectric cooling unit
Voltage stabiliser
LAN interface
19’’ TFT colour screen
Intelligent Q3vic EDW
Anti-virus software
USB port
Work light
Built-in 20 kg wire feeder

HTP high-voltage circuit
Taper flex 45° NEO
L-Cut (Wire chopper)
Anti-corrosion system (ANCS)
Esprit CAD/CAM software offline (regonal option)
Automation System
WS4P/5P rotary table (indexing or simulteous movement)
8-axis simultaneous control (Factory option)
Active Power Restart (UPS)